Installation of OpenPalm

What do I need ?

The OpenPalm source files.
Download it from the home page.
The Cygwin 1.1.2 Linux environment (include all  GNU tools) for Win32 systems.
We have tried the Cygwin 1.1.4, but the .so file format has changed from 1.1.2 to 1.1.4 which caused some problems. We are working on that.)
The Windows CE eMbedded Visual Tools 3.0
If you wish to run Palm applications on PocketPC; otherwise, you can ignore this.
The Palm 3.5 SDK (Get the version for PRC-Tools).
You will need this (mostly include file headers) to write Palm Applications. (So they can be run on OpenPalm environment).

Then ?

Install the eMbedded Visual Tools 3.0. (Of course, only if you want to try OpenPalm on PocketPC)
Install the Palm 3.5 SDK. (We suggest to install it at /tools/palm. We will call this path as PALMSDKDIR)
Install your Cygwin 1.1.2. and open a Cygwin console.
Extract the OpenPalm source tar ball to a directory. (e.g. ~/openpalm) You should see two new directories (jdk and jedi) created. 

tar -xzf openpalm.0.3.tgz

Then you have to apply a patch to the Palm 3.5 SDK so the recompiled Palm applications can be run on OpenPalm environment. The patch file name is "inc_patch" and  is located under jdk directory.

cd /tools/palm/sdk-3.5
patch -p4 < ~/openpalm/jdk/inc_patch

Where is the demo programs?

There are two kind of testing programs

One is used to test the OpenPalm's kernel codes correctness. We call them JediTest. 
The other is the recompiled Palm applications for testing the API compatibility issue. We call them JediAP.

So, where is the "JediTest" programs?

They are put in directory ~/openpalm/jedi/test.

evt1.exe: Test OpenPalm's event handling.
gui.exe: Test OpenPalm's graphic engine.
openpalm.exe: The OpenPalm's main kernel program. We use this program to "launch" recompiled Palm applications.

And where is the "JediAP" programs?

They are put in directory ~/openpalm/jdk/samples. Note that each JediAP get its own directory. or hello.dll: The classic "Hello World". or starter.dll: A typical demo of the event handling and graphic engine.

How do I test the demo programs?

For Cygwin environment.

cd ~/openpalm/jedi
JediTest programs

e.g. test/tvm_gui will launch the test program.

JediAP programs

test/tvm_openpalm  ../jdk/samples/<program-name>
e.g. test/tvm_openpalm ../jdk/hello/ will run the "Hello Jedi!" application.

For PocketPC environment.

Make directories "OpenPalm" and "OpenPalm\Apps" at "\Windows CE Tools\wce300\MS Pocket PC\emulation\palm300"

cd \Windows CE Tools\wce300\MS Pocket PC\emulation\palm300
mkdir OpenPalm
mkdir OpenPalm\Apps


Lanuch eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0
JediTest programs:
File | Open Workspace: Open the project ce_gui.exe
Project | Settings | Debug
In "Download directory", put "\OpenPalm".
In "Program arguments", leave blank.
In "Remote working directory", leave blank.
Press "OK" button.
Build | Execute ce_gui.exe: You should see the "Desktop Pocket PC Emulator" appear and the gui program running.
JediAP programs:
File | Open Workspace: Open the project  hello.vcw
Project | Settings | Debug
In "Local executible path and file name", put "..\..\..\jedi\test\ce_openpalm.exe"
In "Remot executable path and file name", put "\OpenPalm\ce_openpalm.exe"
In "Download directory", put "\OpenPalm\Apps".
In "Program arguments", put the APs name; i.e., hello.
In "Remote working directory", leave blank.
Press "OK" button.
Build | Execute ce_openpalm.exe : You should see the "Desktop Pocket PC Emulator" appear and the "Hello Jedi!" screen.

Copyright © 2000 Infoshock Corporation. All rights reserved.
October 24, 2000